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Workplace Disability Management (WPDM) is defined as policies and procedures, in which the employer engages in an on-going, timely and pro-active manner towards the allocation, organization and coordination of resources to manage the process of return-to-work within the workplace following injury or illness.
Let us sit down with you and look over your current disability claims. Do you have questions about the availability of disability related services? Do you have concerns about the quality of the disability management (DM) services that are presently employed? A detailed consultation can provide useful insight and feedback on improving cur
Let us sit down with you and look over your current disability claims. Do you have questions about the availability of disability related services? Do you have concerns about the quality of the disability management (DM) services that are presently employed? A detailed consultation can provide useful insight and feedback on improving current DM services and implementing new ones. We specialize in the assessment of leave
Are your DM program goals and objectives being met? Could they be improved? We provide detailed and critical analysis of present disability management programs and third-party services by analyzing existing data. This includes evaluating cost relative to types of services and outcomes.
How many claims result in employee return to work? Are employee's returning to work in a timely and safe fashion. We understand that lower productivity, employee absence, and turnover due to injury and disability is extremely costly for all employers and insurance companies. We are skilled in assessing, developing, and implementing early
How many claims result in employee return to work? Are employee's returning to work in a timely and safe fashion. We understand that lower productivity, employee absence, and turnover due to injury and disability is extremely costly for all employers and insurance companies. We are skilled in assessing, developing, and implementing early intervention programs to reduce expenses and maximize worker productivity.
Assessing early contact and intervention protocols and procedures as it relates to the level of communication and coordination of the return to work between injured employees and the employer.
Assessing the workplace environment prior to the employee returns to work to identify possible obstacles and barriers.
Determining the practical application and utility for employee accommodations, including the organization of work and job demands.
Creating or evaluating potential transitional work opportunities that can support the employee in gradual recovery, improvement and full working proficiency.
Assessing employee access to alternative work at the employer as it relates to the provision of special or tailored job functions, whereby employees with functional limitations or work disabilities can be included at the workplace.
Assessing the implementation or prospective design of modified or tailored work at it relates to either the adaption of work schedules or work duties related to the employee's health situation and functioning.
Implementing or assessing current case management and employer coordination activities as it relates to facilitating the return to work of employees following and injury or illness (i.e., degree of coordinating information, bridging interventions and communication among health-care providers, job-consultants, employer and employee communication, etc.).
Reviewing present return to work policies and procedures, including specific personnel policies that sets out the principles and procedures for dealing with illness related absence, inclusion and return-to-work following injury or illness.
Reviewing present return to work policies and procedures, including specific personnel policies that sets out the principles and procedures for dealing with illness related absence, inclusion and return-to-work following injury or illness.
Assessing corporate internal roles as it relates to the development and adaption of responsibilities and functions in relation to disability absence and return to work of employees following injury or illness.
Assessing internal information systems used to record, monitor and follow up on individual illness and secure and ongoing evaluation of return to work practices.
Critical review of current or prospective preventive strategies for reducing the proportion of work hazards that can contribute to work-related injury and disability.